Hello, my name is Kevin, a pleasure to have your attention for a moment and thanks for stopping by. I created this site for reasons best described as a mish-mash of motives. One being a desire to create a space to house thoughts that otherwise are relegated to the scrapland of personal notes, misecallenous tweets, ephemeral conversational moments in both digital and compression-rarified atmospheric exchange forms - all of those reasons. Next up, there’s the general trendy yet believable “writing is thinking” movement that I find compelling. Thinking well seems like a reasonable goal, but “thinking more” as a means to get there feels a little too abstract. However, “writing more,” without too much emphasis on the silver in the bullet, doesn’t seem like an absurd proposal.
As for what goes into shaping my identity as far as a relative stranger might be concerned, my “background” is in physics: I studied physics in college, then went on to earn a PhD in experimental particle physics with a focus on neutrino physics. After coming out from under the academic rock I found myself working in “tech.” I used to be a scientist that worked with data, and now I’m a data scientist. But, alas, the label is paradoxically too general and too narrow. My interests and activities shift over time.
Feel free to say hello: kevin@denselayer.com.
If you prefer, you can follow my writing on Medium.